Value Prescriptions List Created to Ensure Medication Access

Eskenazi Health is committed to ensuring patients have access to the right medications. At a time when unpredictable prescription costs can be the norm, Eskenazi Health Pharmacy is introducing the Value Prescriptions List.

Medications on the Value Prescriptions List, found here, are available to all patients, both self-pay and insured, at a set, low price. A 30-day supply is available for no more than $10 and a 90-day supply for no more than $15. Insurance companies are likely to pay part or all of the charge for covered patients, so their out-of-pocket cost at the pharmacy could be even less. The medications selected align with clinical best practices, the current Eskenazi Health formulary and common disease states affecting Eskenazi Health patients. They fall into the broad categories and are for management of blood pressure/heart, diabetes, blood thinner/anti-platelet, cholesterol, digestion, nutrition, family planning, mental health/neurology and thyroid conditions.

As clinical guidelines, insurance companies and drug manufacturers continue to adjust their recommendations and practices, the Value Prescriptions List will be modified, as needed, to ensure Eskenazi Health patients have affordable access to their necessary medications. Please pay attention to the effective dates listed at the bottom of the document to ensure you are working with the more current medication listing. For more information, please visit or call 317.880.0000

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